Monday was actually the one year anniversary of my first post here and it's been great fun to take a walk down memory lane and read over some of that early stuff. I was reminded of it because I was looking out of the window at work recently and saw that same little tree with its leaves all lit up with fabulous red fall color. It looked just like the photo I took and I wondered when that was taken. Very fun to be reminded of the cycles of life.
The thing that sort of surprised me when I looked over some of those early posts is how despite the fact that I often feel like I'm constantly changing interests and am sort of all over the place, that over the span of a year I really haven't changed that much and I've actually accomplished some things. I totally fell in love with David Whyte's work after that initial introduction on Liz Lamoreux's blog, read Crossing the Unknown Sea, listened to What to Remember When Waking, and am currently reading The Three Marriages. I finished that crazy quilt, flew to California, and plunked my new little nephew right down on it. Heck, I even went to Squam and met the amazing Jen Lee.
I will admit I had a little epiphany when I realized this. I may be the last one to get this, but I'm seeing that there's something really powerful about writing things down. In the past I haven't been one to keep a journal, which is really mainly what Enjoy and Love is for me. Writing things down in a notebook has always been a challenge, in part because of my insane handwriting and also it just wasn't that visually appealing. Now, on the other hand, being able to include photos and videos and music, etc. - that's very appealing. And then being able to share with family and friends and maybe even meet some like-minded folks - oo-la-la!
So thank you all for joining me here! It's a pleasure and an honor to get to share what I enjoy and love with you. I can't wait to see what unfolds over the next year!