As I've mentioned here before, I really enjoy the Spring: Inspiration in Bloom project and all the wonderful women who participate. And during October they've invited their readers to Spring into Action and participate in answering some questions relating to creativity. Sounds good to me!
The first question is "What's your definition of creativity?" In the past I'd have seen creativity in my life as defined by the many art projects I've been obsessed with over the years. But right now I'm starting to think about how I can apply my creativity to the "problem" parts of my life, my sometimes desperate attempts to balance the abundance that is my life. Today, while trying to get back into the flow of my work after a wonderful weekend away I could feel the stress strangling me. And then I thought about one of my strengths being creativity - the ability to see things from new perspectives, to play with all the possibilities.
Instead of allowing my work to overwhelm me to the point where I lose the larger perspective, my challenge to myself as I focus on some new, big projects will be to apply my creative skills to them. To look at all the options, not to rush, to allow plenty of room for flashes of inspiration, not to forget to play, to dream really big, to encourage collaboration, to accept the possibility that the results of these projects could be way more interesting and powerful than anything I could perceive through the perspective of fear and a desire to just get them done.