Friday, November 27, 2009

Wowza and whew!

One reason I was so darned HAPPY on Wednesday was that I was about to watch Jim Jarmusch's new film, The Limits of Control, which was just released on DVD on the 17th. God bless Netflix for getting it into my hot little hands so quickly. And it definitely didn't disappoint!

The trailer makes it seem like there might be some kind of plot to the movie, but I think any thinking like that will only disappoint. To me, it is like watching a poem. As Jarmusch is quoted as saying: "The beauty of life is in small details, not in big events." And: "It's great that the audience have their own different takes on what they have just seen, and don't know all the answers. Often, I don't know all the answers either."

Plus, every shot is gorgeous -- Christopher Doyle (In the Mood for Love, Chungking Express) was the cinematographer, need I say more?:)

And on the whew front, I've made some serious progress on Yuma's quilt. Wondered if it ever was going to come together, so I'm quite relieved that it is at this point and actually looking like something. The colors are far more vivid in person -- hope the little guy likes color!