I've really enjoyed Sharon Salzberg's latest blog post on Huffington Post: "The Nothing That Heals Us". Here are the first couple of paragraphs, to give you a taste:
"It's the end of daylight savings time on the east coast, and it just about always seems to be dim. Each day is largely dark, and cold, hinting at the uselessness of endeavor and the insubstantiality of what we ordinarily run around seeking. It's a good time to be depressed.
"This is the way we conventionally view what Buddhists call emptiness, and mystics of many traditions call nothingness or the Void. A really murky day, pointing to the uselessness of it all. But at the heart of personal, transformative wisdom, this emptiness isn't a cold, depressing problem, leading us down to nihilism - seeing emptiness is liberation. It brings us right through the seeming solidity and oppressiveness of our ordinary concerns, into a world where reality is shimmering, translucent, vital, while also being insubstantial, fleeting, and evanescent."
Good reading for those of us who are feeling quiet these days. You can read the rest here.
And when you're ready, I'd love it if you would come on a walk with me!