Wednesday, March 30, 2011

enjoy and love adventure - day eleven


Really nose-to-the-grindstone these days, so no huge insights to share. But during lunch today I helped break down bundles for the paper release for The Contributor and look who made the cover!!

Other things I'm loving:

- John O'Donohue is seriously rocking my world. He even talked about the thing that tortured me for a lot of my youth (damning the Holy Spirit) in one of his talks - his interpretation made my jaw (and shoulders) drop. And he mentioned my dear Chogyam Trungpa in another. It's like this guy travelled the same landscape as my soul. And I could listen to his accent forever...

- My new reiki prayer shawl - warm and beautiful!

- Kohinoor Heat & Eat Curries, Punjabi Kadhi Pakora - super yummy! Keeping my fingers crossed that Publix gets more in soon...