Friday, February 11, 2011



Feeling deeply grateful for:

Hard-working MTA employees who patiently and determinedly tried to get us home on gridlocked, icy streets

Friendly and kind bus comrades who looked out for each other, bought yummy dinner rolls for everyone on a big, articulated bus going nowhere, acted goofy, shared phones, gave each other rides, and found places for friends to stay

Friends who dropped everything to take care of us

Strangers who dropped everything to open their home to us

Walgreens employees who let us into a closed store so we could obtain emergency medications and supplies like toothpaste, toothbrushes, t-shirts, underwear, stockings, shampoo, lotion, mascara, and food and then offered us a ride to where we were staying

A sweet husband who took advantage of impassable roads to clean the house and when I could get home welcomed me with much fanfare, many hugs and kisses, and a warm and toasty fire

Home sweet home