Saturday, January 1, 2011



Happy New Year! Hope your festivities have been everything you'd hoped they would be.

I do like the tradition of choosing a word for the year. Last year after mulling it over for a while I chose the word "delight" and I don't know if that word really sums up 2010. It was a good year, but I can't say it was really full of delight. Somehow that word feels a little lighter than the year I had. I would say there was deep joy last year, but delight feels bubbly - like a laugh versus a smile. And I feel like I could have forced myself into delight, but it wouldn't have been authentic.

So, for 2011 I'm going a totally different direction and choosing something I feel like I need deeply - rest. I'm hoping that by making this my word that I might be able to get into the habit of keeping it in the front of my mind and not over-committing myself. I love my beautiful, abundant life, but this year I'm trying an experiment of sufficiency. Instead of skimming across the surface, my soul is crying out to dig deep, to rest, and to appreciate the simplicity of my beautiful life.