Anyone who knew me as a young person will probably be surprised by this last workshop. Yep, instead of trying to sneak in at least one visual arts class, I went for "Savoring Gratitude," a restorative yoga class with Michelle Smith. I know! It's like I figured out I have a body or something:)
A gentle restorative yoga class, this is the ultimate in relaxation. Challenging only in its quietness, it is a spiritual experience of turning inward and acknowledging the layers of self.
You will be guided into poses that are held for a time and allow you to open deeply, but you are comfortably propped with blankets, bolsters and pillows.
Enjoy some aromatherapy, thoughtful meditation, gentle touch and readings from inspiring writers. It is a time of peace, reflection and gratitude. Accessible to all with open mind and heart.
This class is held in the spectacular setting of the Dragonfly Barn that looks out directly at Whiteface mountain-- a genuine Shangri-la.
Doesn't that just sound like paradise?
Then there's a nice long lunch to linger over and a reception for "Vision of Squam" at the Sandwich Artisans Gallery that we'll likely be carpooling to. And then I'll grab a quick dinner and set up my table for the Squam Art Fair, where I'll be selling these:

And these:

Looking forward to it!