I don't know about you, but I'm really enjoying this imperfection thing. All week I've found myself a lot less worried about doing things perfectly, thinking that if I did something embarrassing it would be something funny to post here. And so it was a pretty uneventful week. I was sort of amused by my odd, informal way of interacting with the speaker and mayor at the Billy Collins event last weekend. I was in charge of the VIP door, which meant opening it when I felt someone pulling on it and not letting anyone from the auditorium in. Billy Collins got a jaunty, silent wave from me, and the city's mayor got a "Well, hello there!" Not exactly what they were expecting, I don't think, but not really that embarrassing. Even earlier this week, getting ready for the library's Board meeting, I thought "Well, maybe this will give me something to write about," but it went off without a hitch.
So I thought I'd share one of my favorite stories from a couple of years ago. I was working in the phone room, answering reference questions, and I got a call from a woman with a pretty strong accent. The title she was looking for sounded a little unusual, but I'm constantly surprised, so I told her "I'm sorry. I'm not seeing Where's the Ladies' Room? in our catalog." She started to laugh and corrected me. The book she was looking for was Where the Lilies Bloom. We both got a good laugh out of that one!