"Most discussions on TV news shows involve so-called experts shouting simplistic opinions at each other. They may provide some meager entertainment value, but are rarely enlightening. In contrast to these paltry spectacles were the salons at Paris's Cafe Guerbois in 1869. A group of hard-working artists and writers gathered there to inspire each other. The painter Claude Monet wrote that their discussions 'sharpened one's wits, encouraged frank and impartial inquiry, and provided enthusiasm that kept us going for weeks . . . One always came away feeling more involved, more determined, and thinking more clearly and distinctly.' That's the kind of dynamic interaction you should seek out in abundance, Scorpio."
~ Rob Brezsny's weekly horoscope
OK, so this isn't the Cafe Guerbois, but I've certainly had my share of inspiring conversations in the Provence Cafe.