Saturday, March 24, 2012

numb adventure

Homo Arboretum by Mathilde Roussel

As I continue my Joy Adventure, I'm also struck by how numb I am a lot of the time. Even while doing things I know bring me a lot of pleasure I can feel like I'm just going through the motions. So this week I've been exploring that. Sometimes it feels like I'm just not paying enough attention and really being there and sometimes no matter how "there" I am, I still can't tap into any kind of emotional response.

I've noticed that those are great times to bring in the gratitude tool. No matter what's going on in my life there's always some aspect of it I can feel grateful for and then instead of greedily shoving little nuggets of happiness into my joy satchel it shines out larger than life and of its own accord.

Also, these days I'm playing with just setting the dial for joy, love, and appreciation and not pushing so much for it, not striving so much. I can feel how much I push and manipulate and control. I think part of the numbness is just exhaustion. So I'm also exploring surrender and simply picturing that I'm turning a dial for connection and not putting my foot on the gas. Just seeing what comes to me.

And that's when the numb adventure becomes the grace adventure.

cherry blossoms

Saturday, March 17, 2012

shadow adventure

city shadow

nature shadow

My poor sweet husband had to experience my shadow side on Tuesday evening when I melted down after too many six-day work weeks. Knowing that I have several more to come, I re-committed myself to my joy adventure, slowing down and simplifying as much as possible to be able to be present and feel the joy in my very full week. And there was a lot to enjoy:

A trip Cheekwood to see...


the Japanese garden...

flowering quince

where the cherry tree was in full bloom...

japanese garden

and hear an inspiring talk by a truly lovely young French artist, Mathilde Roussel, whose authenticity was so refreshing. No posing, just passion.

[Photo from]

Then there was T.C. Boyle's talk/performance at the library, which was a lot like this (down to the yellow blazer):

And bookmaking workshops with an amazing visiting artist from Portland, Oregon, Helen Hiebert:


Truly my cup runneth over. Each of these lovely people did a beautiful job of expressing to me their joy in seeing the world in their own special way and following their bliss. And they're all making the world a better place for it. Message received.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

more joy adventure

sun flower

I think I may be getting the hang of this joy thing! This week my joy adventure included two dinners with good friends, a trip to a local museum with tears at the beautiful art (especially a painting of my favorite skyline), a walk to look at the flowering trees, a massage, an awesome book, a completely delightful movie, an amazing gift of an hour with my dear Mr. Hadley, and a program at work complete with surprise guest performer that was over-the-top fun. Amazing how much happier my life is when I do the things that bring me joy. It's so obvious, but how often do we do it, really? And I loved how the universe got in on the action, too, bringing several of these joyful moments into my life completely unexpectedly. Ah, life, you delight me!



under stairs ironwork

hyacinth happiness

Thomas Maupin at the NPL

Royal Lao Orchestra at the NPL

McDonald Craig at the NPL

Oh, and here's a cool video!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

joy adventure


This week I've really been aware of the things that bring me joy. Here are a couple of things you might also enjoy:

I've loved reading The Night Circus book on my Kindle Fire:

How did I miss Win Win, by the same writer/director as The Station Agent and The Visitor:

Hope you all have a joyful week!