Sunday, July 17, 2011

church adventure

Christ Church Cathedral

Who saw this coming? But I will tell you that finding this gorgeous refuge this past week was like gold. It's amazing how our lives flow and I'm reminded of John O'Donohue's poem that I've quoted here before, but must quote again:


I would love to live
Like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
Of its own unfolding.

It is a huge surprise to find myself seeking out a church and relating to it in this new way. I was longing for a place to do centering prayer at lunchtime and have been led back to my roots. And for now it feels like home. It's delightful to have a new way to relate to an old friend. The coincidences these days are many and it's like I'm catching glimpses of angel wings flying around corners, just out of view. It feels like a summertime ripening of these seeds I planted last winter. Ah, life!

Also wanted to share a project I've been working on with a really dear friend who made it all happen. Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and if you've longed to leave a comment in the past and been stymied by Blogger, give it another try. I've changed to a slightly different comments interface and am hoping that makes it an easier experience. Thanks and have a wonderful week!