Sunday, December 30, 2012

less wrap-up adventure

less page

I'm always amazed at how the energy shifts with the winter solstice. It just feels like a fresh start. And while I'm excited and ready for a new year (and a new word!), I also want to express my gratitude for a year of LESS.

One lovely development of LESS in my world this year has been taking only one online class. I love taking online classes. This is definitely one of the fabulous things about the internet. However, as an Enneagram Type Seven, they all sound amazing and I can forget that I really don't have that much time to devote to them. So usually I sign up full of great intentions and excitement and reality hits along the way and I'm well gone by the end, full of regrets and remorse.

With that in mind, I signed up for one year-long class with monthly assignments: One Little Word with Ali Edwards. Wow! What a great class. It totally kept my word alive for me all year and the combination of photography and writing assignments was perfect for me. There was just the right amount of structure and freedom. Needless to say, I've signed up for 2013 and am excited to spend New Year's Day working on my January assignment...

little word album