Tuesday, May 3, 2011

enjoy and love adventure - home and shifting gears


Got home about midnight last night to be greeted by the cheeriest flowers and a sweet, sleeping hubby. Home, sweet home:)

It was an outrageously wonderful time away and quite clarifying in a lot of ways. There are so many people to thank for all the things they added to my experience and made possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear lovely friends and family. You are my treasure and I am immeasurably blessed.

While I was away the tightness I usually carry in my belly and chest disappeared and it is my deepest wish to try to shift some parts of my life to help me keep some space in my day and in turn to try to keep a sense of spaciousness in my body. So I'm going to experiment with posting once a week here. It is lovely to keep in touch with all of you, but it's a lot to fit into a busy day for me and likely for you to read. So, let's open up some space and I'll meet you back here this weekend. Let the adventure continue!