Thursday, February 4, 2010


And while we're on the theme of younger generations working to make our world a better place, I'd like to let you know about a fun project that I've been enjoying: Spring, Inspiration in Bloom. As they describe it:

"Spring is a collaborative project that has a single, overarching theme: inspiration. Through videos, blog posts, and the website itself, Spring is opening an insightful dialogue that focuses on helping you design a life you love.

"With four creative entrepreneurs and inspirational bloggers discussing hot topics over their own virtually brewed cups of coffee (which contain the not so secret ingredients of inspiration and humor), Spring will certainly prompt a new type of interactivity across the nation and the world…one computer screen at a time. These stewards realize that their mission may seem lofty, but you'll notice immediately that they are anything but afraid. Quite the opposite, they approach this project as they do all others: one step at a time, consistently emphasizing quality over quantity."

So far the topics discussed have included gratitude and intentions, and this month they're posting a video each week about support. The discussions have all been fun and heartfelt. If you feel like crashing some great conversations with creative, thoughtful young women, I definitely recommend checking out Spring!